
53: Beating the Mine with Tony Lauria

February 20, 2024 Geoff Eido

Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.

Today on LUNACY we are CELEBRATING VICTORY!!!  BIG TIME!  I meet up again with my friend, funny man, and brother in arms, Tony Lauria to debrief after the Nevada County Supervisors voted NO to reopening a Toxic Gold Mine in our home town.

This is important because it demonstrates what a community can accomplish when we set our minds to it, and it serves as a model for democracy and protest moving forward.  Featured in this episode are speeches from several highly intelligent humans who showed up to protest the opening of this abominable Mine.  

I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!

I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest. 

Instagram: @geoffeido 

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