
57: The Energy and Importance of Food with Alon Greenstein of MeZé Part 2

April 17, 2024 Geoff Eido

Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.

Today on LUNACY, we get deep into the nature of food and the history of one of my very favorite restaurants, MeZé, in Grass Valley, CA.  In part 2 of this amazing interview, Alon and I dig into the deeper reasons for creating MeZé.  Given the level of toxicity, disinformation, and manipulation in the world today, MeZé is an answer to that reality, and an example of how it can be, and how it is.   

I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!

I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest. 

Instagram: @geoffeido 

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